商品編號:P0144600306885 原始貨號:K-GATE

D-葡萄糖酸/ D-葡萄糖酸內酯 檢測套組 D-Gluconic Acid/D-Glucono-δ-lactone Assay Kit

產品編號: No.  700004291
目錄編號: No.  K-GATE
  • 用於測量樣品中D-葡萄糖酸(D-Gluconic Acid)(D-Gluconate)、D-葡萄糖酸內酯(D-Glucono-δ-lactone)含量
  • 此套組樣品來源適用於酒類、肉品、加工肉品、果汁、乳製品、紙類和其他材料(例如:生物培養材料...等)
  • 檢測原理:
    葡萄糖酸/葡萄糖酸內酯含量➡️樣品中的D-葡萄糖酸內酯在鹼性的環境下可被水解成D-gluconate,D-gluconate後續透過酵素(gluconate kinase、6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase)作用後,其產物為ribulose-5-phosphate、二氧化碳和NADPH。分光光度計(spectrophotometer)在340 nm的波長下,可檢測NADPH產生之吸光值(NADP+ 不會產生吸光值),後續再與標準溶液、空白對照組之吸光值前後對照,即可得到測試結果。
  • 此套組之測量結果,需搭配分光光度計(spectrophotometer)、微量多孔盤分析儀(Microplate)、自動分析儀(Auto-analyser)使用
  • 偵測極限: 0.792 mg/L
  • 線性範圍: 0.8 to 50 µg of D-gluconic acid per assay
  • 便捷、易用、易學、易上手
  • 節省設備建置、實驗室空間、耗材、委外送驗等開銷
  • 提供線上可下載之計算工具,原始數據輕鬆處理
  • 總測試時間: 約6分鐘
  • 應用:食品研發、學術研究、原物料和成品檢驗
  • 冷藏(2–8°C)可短期存放,如需長時間保存,請參考瓶身的保存方式(酵素保存方式皆不相同)
  • 供應規格:
    60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate) / 600 assays (auto-analyser)
  • 供應規格:此套組內僅提供酵素溶液,其他藥品及耗材需另購
  • 國際認證:
  • 此商品交期約30-45天,可接受在下單。
  •     7天鑑賞期後即可折抵
  • 原價 : $ 9,999,999



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  • 背景資料
    中文品名 英文品名 類別
    葡萄糖酸鈣 Calcium Gluconate (七) 品質改良用、釀造用及食品製造用劑
    葡萄糖酸鋅 Zinc Gluconate (八) 營養添加劑
    葡萄糖酸銅 Copper Gluconate (八) 營養添加劑
    葡萄糖酸亞鐵 Ferrous Gluconate (八) 營養添加劑
    葡萄糖酸錳 Manganese Gluconate (八) 營養添加劑
    葡萄糖酸鎂 Magnesium Gluconate (八) 營養添加劑
    葡萄糖酸乳酸鈣 Calcium Gluconolactate (八) 營養添加劑
    葡萄糖酸鈣 Calcium Gluconate (八) 營養添加劑
    硼葡萄糖酸鈣 Calcium Borogluconate (八) 營養添加劑
    無水葡萄糖酸亞鐵 Ferrous Gluconate Dehydrate (八) 營養添加劑
    葡萄糖酸 Gluconic Acid (十一) 調味劑
    葡萄糖酸鈉 Sodium Gluconate (十一) 調味劑
    葡萄糖酸液 Gluconic Acid Solution (十一) 調味劑
    葡萄糖酸-δ內酯 Glucono-δ-Lactone (十一) 調味劑




    1.  Sample dilution.

    The amount of D-gluconic acid and hydrolysed D-glucono-δ-lactone present in the cuvette (i.e. in the 0.1 mL of sample being analysed) should range between 0.8 and 50 μg.  The sample solution must therefore be diluted sufficiently to yield a D-gluconic acid concentration between 0.08 and 0.5 g/L.

    2.  Sample clarification:

    a.  Solutions:
    Carrez I solution.  Dissolve 3.60 g of potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) {K4[Fe(CN)6].3H2O} (Sigma cat. no. P9387) in 100 mL of distilled water.  Store at room temperature.
    Carrez II solution.  Dissolve 7.20 g of zinc sulphate (ZnSO4.7H2O)  (Sigma cat. no. Z4750) in 100 mL of distilled water.  Store at room temperature.
    Sodium hydroxide (NaOH, 100 mM).  Dissolve 4 g of NaOH in 1 L of distilled water.  Store at room temperature.

    b.  Procedure:
    Pipette the liquid sample into a 100 mL volumetric flask which contains approx. 60 mL of distilled water, or weigh sufficient quantity of the sample into a 100 mL volumetric flask and add 60 mL of distilled water.  Carefully add 5 mL of Carrez I solution, 5 mL of Carrez II solution and 10 mL of NaOH solution (100 mM).  Mix after each addition.  Fill the volumetric flask to the mark, mix and filter.

    3.  General considerations.

    (a)  Liquid samples: clear, slightly coloured and approximately neutral, liquid samples can be used directly in the assay.
    (b)  Acidic samples: if > 0.1 mL of an acidic sample is to be used undiluted (such as wine or fruit juice), the pH of the solution should be increased to approx. 7.6 using 2 M NaOH, and the solution incubated at room temperature for 30 min.
    (c)  Carbon dioxide: samples containing a significant amount of carbon dioxide, such as beer, should be degassed by increasing the pH to approx. 7.6 with 2 M NaOH and gentle stirring, or by stirring with a glass rod.
    (d)  Coloured samples: a sample blank, i.e. sample with no GCK, may be necessary in the case of coloured samples.
    (e)  Strongly coloured samples: if used undiluted, strongly coloured samples should be treated by the addition of 0.2 g of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP)/10 mL of sample.  Shake the tube vigorously for 5 min and then filter through Whatman No. 1 filter paper.
    (f)  Solid samples: homogenise or crush solid samples in distilled water and filter if necessary.
    (g)  Samples containing fat: extract such samples with hot water at a temperature above the melting point of the fat, e.g. in a 100 mL volumetric flask.  Adjust to room temperature and fill the volumetric flask to the mark with water.  Store on ice or in a refrigerator for 15-30 min and then filter.  Discard the first few mL of filtrate and use the clear supernatant (which may be slightly opalescent) for assay.  Alternatively, clarify with Carrez reagents.
    (h)  Samples containing protein: deproteinise samples containing protein by adding an equal volume of ice-cold 1 M perchloric acid with mixing.  Centrifuge at 1,500 g for 10 min and neutralise the supernatant with 1 M KOH.  Alternatively, use Carrez reagents.


  • 商品規格   
    60 assays (manual) / 600 assays (microplate) / 600 assays (auto-analyser)

    Bottle 1:  
    Buffer (12.5 mL, pH 7.6) plus sodium azide (0.02% w/v)as a preservative.
    Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.

    Bottle 2: 
    NADP+ plus ATP.
    Stable for > 5 years below -10°C.
    Bottle 3: 
    6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase suspension (1.25 mL).
    Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.

    Bottle 4: 
    Gluconate kinase suspension (1.25 mL).
    Stable for > 2 years at 4°C.

    Bottle 5: 
    Sodium D-gluconate (~ 2 g).
    Stable for > 5 years; store sealed at room temperature.



  • 參考文獻
  • 衛福部-食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準-葡萄糖酸:  連結


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