商品編號:P0144600306560 原始貨號:K-CERA

α-澱粉酶檢測套組 α-Amylase Assay Kit (Ceralpha Method)

產品編號: No.  700004273
目錄編號: No.  K-CERA
  • 用於測量樣品中α-澱粉酶(α-Amylase)含量
  • 此套組樣品來源適用於穀類之麵粉、發酵液和其他材料
  • 檢測原理:
    α-澱粉酶含量➡️此套組利用特殊的寡糖(BPNPG7)作為反應物,用於測量樣品中α-澱粉酶之活性。BPNPG7經過α-amylase和thermostable α-glucosidase分解之後,其產物為葡萄糖和對硝基苯酚(p-nitrophenol,簡稱PNP),後續加入弱鹼性溶液終止反應,並使phenolate ion顯色,分光光度計(spectrophotometer)在400 nm的波長下,可檢測phenolate ion產生之吸光值,後續再與標準溶液、空白對照組之吸光值前後對照,即可得到測試結果。
  • 此套組之測量結果,需搭配分光光度計(spectrophotometer)使用、自動分析儀(auto-analyser)使用
  • 偵測極限: 0.003 U/g
  • 再現性(Reproducibility) (%):  約3%
  • 便捷、易用、易學、易上手
  • 節省設備建置、實驗室空間、耗材、委外送驗等開銷
  • 提供線上可下載之計算工具,原始數據輕鬆處理
  • 總測試時間:約30分鐘
  • 應用:食品研發、學術研究、原物料和成品檢驗
  • 冷藏(2–8°C)可短期存放,如需長時間保存,請參考瓶身的保存方式(酵素保存方式皆不相同)
  • 供應規格:100  檢測反應
  • 供應規格:此套組內僅提供酵素溶液,其他藥品及耗材需另購
  • 國際認證:   
    1️⃣AACC Method 22-02.01
    2️⃣AOAC Method 2002.01
    3️⃣ICC Standard No. 303
    4️⃣RACI Standard Method 
    5️⃣CCFRA (Flour Testing Working Group Method 0018)
  • 此商品交期約30-45天,可接受在下單。
  •     7天鑑賞期後即可折抵
  • 原價 : $ 9,999,999



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    A.  Wheat and Barley Flours:
    1. Mill wheat, barley or other grain (approx. 10-50 g sample) to pass a 0.5 mm screen (e.g. with a Fritsch centrifugal mill).
    2. Accurately weigh 3.0 g of flour into a flask of 50 mL capacity.
    3. To each flask add 20.0 mL of Extraction Buffer solution (pH 5.4) and stir the flask contents vigorously.
    4. Allow the enzyme to extract over 15-20 min at 40°C with occasional mixing.
    5. Filter an aliquot of the solution through a Whatman GF/A glass fibre filter paper, or centrifuge an aliquot at 1,000 g for 10 min.  Assay enzyme activity within 2 h.

    B.  Malt Flours:
    1. Mill malt (20 g sample) to pass a 0.5 mm screen.
    2. Accurately weigh 0.5 g malt flour into a 100 mL volumetric flask.
    3. To the volumetric flask add a solution of 1% sodium chloride plus 0.02% calcium chloride plus 0.02% sodium azide; adjust to volume.
    4. Allow the enzyme to extract for 15-20 min at room temperature, with occasional stirring.
    5. Filter an aliquot of the solution through a Whatman GF/A glass fibre filter paper or centrifuge at 1,000 g for 10 min.
    6. Dilute 0.5 mL of the filtrate with 9.5 mL of Extraction Buffer Solution.  Assay enzyme activity (see page 6, section A, point 5) within 2 h.

    C.  Microbial Preparations:

    Liquid preparations:
    1. Add 1 mL of liquid enzyme preparation (using a positive displacement dispenser) to Buffer A or B (49 mL, pH 5.4 or 6.5) and mix thoroughly.  This is termed the Original Extract.
    2. Dilute 1.0 mL of Original Extract 10-fold by addition to 9.0 mL of appropriate Buffer (A or B) and mix thoroughly.  Repeat this step until a dilution suitable for assay is obtained. For example, for the industrial enzyme preparation, Bacterial Alpha-Amylase (from Kerry Ingredients, Ireland) a dilution of the Original Extract of approx. 4,000-fold is required.

    Powder preparations:
    1. Add 1 g of enzyme powder preparation to 50 mL of Buffer A or B (pH 5.4 or 6.5) and gently stir the slurry over a period of about 15 min or until the sample is completely dispersed or dissolved.
    2. Clarify this solution (the Original Extract) by centrifugation (1,000 g, 10 min) or filtration through Whatman No. 1 (9 cm)  filter circles.
    3. Dilute 1.0 mL of this solution 10-fold by addition to 9.0 mL of appropriate Extraction/Dilution buffer and mix thoroughly. Repeat this step until a dilution suitable for assay is obtained.

    A.  Wheat and barley flours:
    1. Dispense 0.2 mL aliquots of Amylase HR Reagent solution (unbuffered) into test tubes and pre-incubate the tubes and contents at 40°C for 5 min.
    2. Pre-incubate cereal extract at 40°C for 5 min.
    3. To each tube containing Amylase HR Reagent solution  (0.2 mL), add 0.2 mL of pre-equilibrated wheat or barley extract directly to the bottom of the tube.  Incubate at 40°C for exactly 20 min (from time of addition).
    4. At the end of the 20 min incubation period, add exactly 3.0 mL  of Stopping Reagent and stir the tube contents vigorously.
    5. Read the absorbance of the solutions and the reaction blank  at 400 nm against distilled water.

    B.  Malt and microbial preparations:
    1. Dispense 0.2 mL aliquots of Amylase HR Reagent solution (unbuffered) into test tubes and pre-incubate the tubes and contents at 40°C for 5 min.
    2. Pre-incubate buffered malt or microbial preparation extract at 40°C for 5 min.
    3. To each tube containing Amylase HR Reagent solution  (0.2 mL), add 0.2 mL of pre-equilibrated (and suitably diluted) microbial enzyme or malt extract directly to the bottom of the tube.  Incubate at 40°C for exactly 10 min (from time of addition).
    4. At the end of the 10 min incubation period, add exactly 3.0 mL  of Stopping Reagent and stir the tube contents vigorously.
    5. Read the absorbance of the solutions and the reaction blank  at 400 nm against distilled water.



  • 商品規格   100  檢測反應
  • 此套組包含:

    1️⃣Full assay method
    2️⃣Freeze dried BPNPG7 plus thermostable α-glucosidase
    3️⃣Concentrated Extraction Buffer
    4️⃣Concentrated Stopping Reagent
    5️⃣Control Malt Flour


  • 產品說明書:連結  
  • 確認報告、認證報告: 連結  
  • 物質安全資料表(Safety Data Sheet; SDS):英文連結
  • 計算公式:  連結



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